I Would Like to Donate or Get Involved
Click here to access our Volunteer Intake Form.
I Would Like to Host a Newcomer Family
Click here to access our Housing Intake Form.
If you are interested in hosting a newcomer family from Ukraine, please complete this intake form. Upon submission, our LUHA Housing Support Team will review and contact any potential host family that would meet the requirements for incoming newcomers to London and surrounding area.
Please note that host families will have to undergo a screening process and home inspection as part of the host family matching process.
I am a Ukrainian Looking for Support
Click here to access our Newcomer Intake Form.
If you are a newcomer coming to or have arrived in London, ON and surrounding area, please complete this intake form. Our team will be able to assist in helping with finding you short and long term housing, employment, work permits, and support services.
Upon submission, a member of our LUHA Support Team will review and contact you.
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Якщо Ви прибуваєте або тільки що прибули до Лондона, ON та його околиць, заповніть цю форму прийому. Наша команда зможе допомогти Вам знайти короткострокове та довгострокове житло, роботу, дозволи на роботу та послуги підтримки.
Після надсилання, член нашої служби підтримки LUHA перегляне та зв’яжеться з Вами.

London Ukrainian Humanitarian Action (LUHA) is a working group of dedicated volunteers coordinating humanitarian needs in London and the surrounding area by helping those affected by the crisis in Ukraine.
Our current team is composed of professionals with diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Our focus is to actively assist in supporting individuals that are currently here in London and those newcomers that are planning to arrive and require immediate and long-term assistance.

To provide immediate and continued care assistance to individuals in London and surrounding areas directly affected by the crisis in Ukraine.
Support all those affected by the crisis in Ukraine.
The overall purpose of LUHA is to identify challenges and implement action plans to address issues through advocacy and the development of support networks with community partners, educational institutions, nonprofit and for profit organizations, and other strategic partners to aid in the relief for international students and newcomers.
At the highest level, we seek to raise awareness regarding humanitarian issues in our own community and provide structure for connecting those in need with those willing to help.
London Ukrainian Humanitarian Action (LUHA) is committed to providing people with disabilities access to community programs and services in a manner that respects their dignity, independence, and equal opportunity. We will prevent and remove barriers to accessibility in the services and programs we offer, information and communication we share.
Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
The London Ukrainian Humanitarian Action is committed to fostering an environment that is barrier-free and inclusive for all. Through our core values, organizational structures, policies and services, we will ensure the equal treatment of all individuals.
This includes, but is not limited to, those of varying race, origin, colour, ancestry, disability, age, creed, sex, family status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
We also appreciate that there are systemic barriers in our society that have historically precluded (and continue to preclude) members of our community from participating fully and we are committed to eliminating those barriers and creating equitable access to opportunities.

Read personal stories
Local international students need our support

Support Ukraine Newcomer Fund
Cross Cultural Learner Center is a registered charity in London that created a fund for our cause
We value the contributions and support of our community partners. Their continued support helps us to accomplish our mission.